So, what’s in a book? WHAT’S IN A BOOK?
“In a book is a dream that you hold in your hands”.
In it, is an infinite world of magic, where the writer waves the magic pen to lead us through a journey of impossible possibilities. Tightly compressed between the pages and amidst a myriad of words, is a vast plethora of knowledge, information, and stories of countless writers from times immemorial, from every realm of the earth. Such an overabundance of information and intelligence in which our pea-sized brain can get lost and transported beyond time and space, into that region which we cannot even begin to fathom, visualize, or comprehend. And somewhere from the outermost periphery of this vastness, this is me, Sita, reporting from the desk of The Silver Surfers Book Club, an offshoot of the parent body - The Silver Surfers Club.
“The body may age, but the mind will age only as far as you will allow it to” is central theme and motto of the Silver Surfers Club members, who sport silver streaks in their hair. The club has diversified into varied activities for the benefit, as also to cater to the interests of its many members. It imbibes in everyone the importance of active Social Responsibility. Here is sharing with everyone my sheer joys and pleasures of being a member of a Book Club.
I have been a reader of books for long. A book lover. Lover of reading. To read anything was to get lost in it, much to the ire of many. I have sat on the benches of bus-stands, airports, footpaths, and roadsides of M.G. Road, Bangalore, waiting for buses, reading a book. And on occasion, missing the bus too. But time passed, things change, circumstances alter, lifestyle changes happen, with passing years and for other personal reasons of life’s ups and downs, I had sort of taken a sabbatical from reading and in the last 3 years, just confined myself to reading magazines and newspapers.
Silver Surfer Bhanu who steers our Book Club
I knew I was missing something. But I just could not bring myself to get my hands and mind to hold up a book. I would barely pick up one, read some, lose interest, get lost in thoughts (negative), and eventually abort the attempt. I needed a push, a shove, a catalyst. And then I encountered this wonderful group of book worms, some like me, who for some reason or other had taken a break from reading. And some who had continued reading. From this chance meeting of like-minded group, evolved our Book Club. A joyful meeting indeed. You know, the Creator has endowed mankind with some great redeeming merits. Whenever a group of compatible people gathers with a common purpose, there emerges a natural leader. Nowadays called a Group Leader!!! And such a front-runner, we found in Bhanu Ramaswamy!! She has with her expertise and patience, put us on course. God bless her generous heart.
On this note, I have dusted off the cobwebs that were beginning to form in my mind, the lethargy was almost beginning to spread to the body. You see, the two go together. A healthy body requires a healthy mind and vice- versa. The Book Club has rekindled in me the desire to feel the ruffle of paper through my fingers again. To listen to the sound of the pages flying past my thumb as I flip through the book. Like a gambler, flipping through a pack of cards. To hold the book, close to my nose and smell the newness of it. I close my eyes, freeing the mind in a flight of fancy on what the book will unfold. And finally, hold the book, turn it over to keenly study the artwork on the sleeves which may allow me to get a sneak peek into the content.
Then again, this is the era of e-books. The great trailblazer Kindle. Amazing Amazon. A book at the click of a mouse. The lightest touch of a finger. No dog marks. No remembering the page number. The Kindle is a handy tool. I like it. But at times I like a book better. For a few Dollars More(!) I can always pass it on to some other booky)
I am eager to see what the book will uncover. New stories, exciting characters, thrilling adventures, sensational explorations, and discoveries, new places, exciting foods, stimulating ideas, thought-provoking ideologies, inspiring and dynamic world of science and technology, art, religion, music, dance, thrillers, and killers. Love and hate. Old and new. It is infinite. There is a treasure hidden in that deep ocean there. We can, but experience a drop from its depth, if we embark on a treasure hunt. I have hopped on this trail again and hope to pursue for as long as I can. And as I do that, memories come flooding back. Along with new understandings and experiences at the Book Club. It evokes childhood memories of carefree, happy-go-lucky readings. Under trees, in hammocks, on swings, under staircases, under blankets, hidden away from disturbing calls. The very first book you read, the first book that had an impact on you, the characters you identified with, the authors you read and liked most.
Now again, we are like children. Excited both for the reading and the companionship, the gleefulness, the shared laughter, the hot cup of coffee, the divvied pizza, the very pleasant afternoons, the mutual respect for each other’s opinions, casting a lazy glance at the young crowd at the coffee places, where we meet, their cheery, youthful and high-pitched laughter and conversations. The loud music. It gets louder as the crowds get denser. A sea of black, shiny, lustrous hair, laughing eyes, and happy sounds. I find it a heady mix. And on the 100ft road at Indiranagar, Namma Bengaluru, the general air is quite intoxicating. Amidst this commotion, we, a small group of happy, contented, peaceful and enthusiastic grey- haired SS, try to find a quiet spot!!!! To talk about our book. When the youthful laughter reaches a really high decibel, I look at the wired generation and send out a silent prayer. God let them be young and happy for long times. Life has many turns and twists. Strangely, the young are wiser these days.
And meanwhile, we are learning, unlearning. Learning to read with a purpose. With more mindfulness. Disciplined reading. Reading with a commitment. Reading with responsibility. And enjoying the whole involvement. Interacting in a group, each member has a self- imposed onus to participate in a meaningful and self- rewarding exercise. I recently read, “Stupidity is like a bra. No matter how much you try to hide, it peeps out”. I try not to show my bra. Not too hard, though. I don’t mind if it peeps out occasionally. Because you see it matches (my dress)!!! I like to laugh at myself. No one here is a judge. No one Jury. No questions asked whether you have read the book or not. You owe to yourself. The freedom to be yourself. To express yourself. Everyone by turns. The others are there to listen. And honestly, these days, I am so grateful that someone truly wants to listen and be interested to hear what I say. Just imagine? Some vintage recollections of lessons learned in another era surface from deep under the brink of decaying grey matter, back into the active memory region. Characterization, critical appreciation, summarising, comprehensions!! I don’t believe I am writing these words. My mind is playing tricks! The fact that I can recollect better reassures me that I am not in any danger of a slow march towards Alzheimer’s! At least, not for the time being. Hope and pray never. Heavens forbid. I have gotten over the habit of turning back pages to remember people, places, and incidents. Memory recall is getting better. I am more aware of what I read. In those moments, I am again lost and drowned in another world in another odyssey.
As written and contributed by Sita S. : Silver Surfer, Blog Contributor and Member of the Silver Surfers Book Club.
The words in the books when juxtaposed with the imaginations of one’s mind can be an incredible and indescribable joyful expedition. There is no one way to describe the thrill of reading books. “After dogs, books are a man’s best friend.” Amidst their pages, I have lived a hundred different lives. I have emoted with the characters. I have laughed with them. I have cried with them. I have traveled with them. I have been angry with some. I am in love with some. But never have I been disappointed with them. I am in awe of the writer and his penmanship. He entertains. He is a skilled artist. And so, I say, in his prose and poetry I have lived a hundred lives. I must remember to tell my children----,” please, when I am gone, throw in a book with me.”
“Reading gives us some place to go, when we have to stay where we are.” - Unknown
Are you longing to pick up that book and lose yourself in it? Perhaps Sita here was able to inspire to do just that! If you enjoyed the read, take a moment to drop in a line letting Sita know in the comments below!
In loving memory of Silver Surfer Anil Malhotra. whose enthusiasm and energy is sorely missed at our book club meets. Anil also took his role as the official Book Club photographer, and here many of these beautiful pictures have been taken by him.
May his soul rest in peace.
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